Archive for the ‘Tech’ Category

A bit of a hermit

Saturday, September 4th, 2010
By: Brandon Bailor

Okay … so, money is a little tight again this month. I need to cut back on expenses. I will figure that out. But in the meantime, without money to go out … i will stay in. This will give me plenty of time to work on websites for friends. This is getting exciting! Check out The Home page, Photography page, and Prints page are just about complete. The rest of the site is basically an empty shell at this point for placement of structure. The fun parts are custom HTML, custom PHP, custom photoshop, custom XML, custom CSS, addition of flash plugins, etc. Lots of fun! I know … I am such a nerd!

Check out the other sites on my “My Work” page. will be fleshed out and working better soon (working on custom authentication and security enabled pages through the Joomla platform), and will continue to be a testing ground for ideas.

So … anyone want to hire me? I could use the extra money!

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