My Work

Just a page to outline some of the things I am working on at the moment.

WebSites: – The band I am in – A good friend and talented graphic Artist – A good friends blog site – My best friends photography site – My company – My wifes blog site

For a copuple of these sites ( and I will be working with some pretty cool image galleries. Please check back often as these sites will be changing rapidly. Leave comments when you can to help us know what is appealing to all.

I am also working on a new image gallery for this site. Check out “My Pictures Too” in the menu on the left.

– Bedroom (Pics to follow) … basically, I am removing the walls from the entire upstairs, removing the sub-floor, putting down a new sub-floor, putting up the walls again with a complete re-design of the closets, then putting down hardwood oak flooring.  I am also adding some insulation to the ceiling.  This will give me the opportunity to add cross-braces between the joists for stability (and reduction of noise), re-do the electric (replace old aluminum wiring … possibly some even older knob and tube wiring), add some lighting, insulate, and add beauty with the floor.  Plus all new trim.  The new woodwork will make the entire space look cleaner, as there will not be 700 layers of paint on any of it.
– Kitchen to follow the bedroom.  This will be a major overhaul … I can’t wait!  But I need to finish the bedroom first.
– Bathroom – this will almost have to coincide with the bedroom, as walls and sub-floor will be removed.  But this is a Herculean task on my own … gotta figure out the best way to stage this … or get close, get all the materials, and invite tons of friends over to crank it out.
– Back Yard – I want to make a real parking space for my truck.

I have become the newest member of the band Chainfall.  A local Philadelphia area band based out of Levittown.  Right now we are preparing for our first show.  Music is really coming along well.  I can’t tell you how exciting it is to play again.  I am really looking forward to getting up on stage again!  Please follow us on our new website … As we progress, we will be posting pics, videos, and updating everyone on the music.

Right now we are a cover band, but with the new lineup, we can start to concentrate on developing originals, find our sound, and write. This should end up turning out really good.  Stay tuned!

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