Chainfall – Summer

Monday, May 30th, 2011
By: Brandon Bailor

The summer is proving to be good to Chainfall.  We added a second guitar player so we can open ourselves up musically, we had a great show on the lake last Saturday, we have our first headliner this saturday, we open again for our friends Stygian on June 25th, and the one I am most excited for … Whiskey Tango on July 12th. 

Gary Rumpff is our newest member.  Adding him on guitar will greatly open what songs we can cover, plus since we have enough music under our belts to play a full show, we are switching gears towards originals.  Gary will certainly add some flavor to the writing process.  I look forward to seeing what Chris Gary Ed and Matt can come up with.  This could lead to some really fun times!

Now to talk about our shows.  June 4th is our first headlining show … we will play a full 3 sets.  No opening band … just us, all night!  This will be a good workout for us … plus it will give us a chance to see what kind of turnout we can generate.  It is early for us … I know Chainfall has been around since 2007, but this new lineup is pretty new.  After the 4th, we open for Stygian on the 25th.  Stygian is an original Metal band … so we will just come up with a short set of our harder material.  This will be a fun Rock-Out session … and hopefully put us in front of some new faces … generate more interest.  Then the big one is July 12th.  Whiskey Tango is one of the premier venues for Philly local music.  If we can prove ourselves there on a Tuesday night, then we earn ourselves a chance to play there on a weekend.  Possibly open up the opportunity for us to open for our good friends in Release

So the summer is turning out to be a good summer for Chainfall … hopefully we can continue the momentum.

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Tuesday, March 8th, 2011
By: Brandon Bailor

Well, it’s been over two months since I have posted anything.  Sorry about that.  But just to catch you up on a few things:

First, I will try to get better about posting here in this blog.  More for my sake than anyone else’s. 

The band: really going well!  I couldn’t be happier!  The music is really coming along.  We are playing some really cool covers (including 46&2 by Tool … one of my all time favorites) and we are just starting to dive into originals.  Not too much time devoted to that, as we have been preparing for a couple recent shows, but we have a possibility of getting another booking, and it would be great if we could have some original music by then. 

Travel: not much on the travel front … I have kind of been switching gears into what I am calling “money saving mode”.  I have listed my timeshares for sale, trying to get rid of my storage unit, I almost never eat out anymore, and I have been getting much smarter about grocery shopping (both health wise as well as budgetary wise).  But I am planning to do the Race for the Cure again with my mom in Texas, and I plan on visiting Houston in June.  My aunt is in the senior Olympics as a swimmer and is doing very well.  I think the nationals are in Houston this year, and I believe she is already qualified, so the family will be pouring down to Houston to show support. 

Well, that about does it for now … but come see Chainfall on March 19th 2011 at Stadium Five Points in Levittown!!  They open for Release!  It’s gonna be a hell of a show filed with Rock, and Metal!

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Post Holiday

Tuesday, December 28th, 2010
By: Brandon Bailor

Alright!!!  Seems I am a slacker on posting … my bad.  But the Holidays were great!!!  I got to spend Thanksgiving with my parents and brother in Omaha, and participate in all of their trraditions.  It was really special.  Then I was able to spend Christmas with my parents and sister in Houston!  Again, just a win of a trip! 

Travel back and forth was uneventful (the way we like it), and it was really special to spend holidays with family again.

Now it is all about the New Year.  I think I will actually try to make some resolutions and stick to them.  I am finally getting upset with myself for slacking on going to the gym and eating right.  It doesn’t look like I have made too much damage … I should be able to quickly bounce back to where I was at a year ago when I was at the top of my game. 

I am now almost a week smoke free (again … for the ump-teenth time), but I really think my head is screwed on enough to stick to it this time.  There will always be an excuse to start, but you know what?  It’s actually easier to do nothing about a craving than it is to run to the store and spend money.  It’s always a choice … smoke or don’t smoke … and deciding either way is the same amount of effort.  So, with other goals in mind (health, etc), I will do my best to stick to it this time.

Time will tell, and I will try to keep my progress posted here.  Wish me luck!

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The Holidays

Wednesday, November 10th, 2010
By: Brandon Bailor

For the first time in way too many years, I will get to spend both Thanksgiving and Christmas with some family.   The plan is Omaha for Thanksgiving and Houston for Christmas.  Driving of course.  Hey, it’s me we are talking about here!!  Haha!  And I will be doing this with only taking three vacation days. 

For Thanksgiving I plan on taking Wednesday off, and heading out just after midnight on Tuesday will accomplish a few things for me:  1.) I get out of the East coast in the dark of night (my whole traffic issue), and 2.) I get to Omaha just after dinner on Wed.  My oldest brothers family lives there, and my parents will be there.  They have some Thanksgiving traditions that I have yet to be a part of … after this year I will not be able to say that!

For Christmas, the plan is to head out late on the 22nd (Wed night).  This will put me in Houston late Thursday.  I plan on Staying through Sunday night to arrive home on Monday night.  My sister lives there, and my parents will again be there. 

It will be really good to spend the holidays with family again!

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First show with Chainfall = win!

Sunday, November 7th, 2010
By: Brandon Bailor

We had our first show with the new lineup last night (meaning me as the new drummer).  I gotta tell you … I didn’t realize how much I missed playing.  I can’t express how much fun I had!  It was awesome to be able to play live music again.  I have to give a huge Thank You to the guys in Chainfall for taking me in and giving me a chance.  Plus a big Thanks to Stygian for asking us to open for them!  Thanks guys you rock!  And it sounds like we got really positive feedback.  Everyone seemed pleased with the performance as a whole, and everyone seemed to think I am a really good fit for the guys.  It feels really great to be included and accepted in such an endeavor so close to my heart.  Music really is part of my soul. 

As far as the music itself last ngiht, it started off a little shaky, and we had a couple hiccups throughout, but this was our first show together.  And what few flubs we did have … we pushed through them and hopefully they were not too noticeable … unless you were really familiar with the song.  And at one point, I broke a stick … I started to feel it break, so I was trying to pick a good spot to swap it out with a new one … I ran out of time, and it went whirling towards Chris (guitar player) barely missing his head LOL!  But other than the flying wood … I don’t think anybody could tell I had to switch sticks … didn’t miss a beat! 

We will get better as a band, tighter, better trained, etc.  I can’t wait to play more!  We might even have another show as early as this Friday … time will tell, but there will be many more shows!

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