Archive for the ‘Travel’ Category

Training for Half Dome

Tuesday, April 6th, 2010
By: Brandon Bailor

The time is getting closer.  I promised myself last October (On my big road trip … story still in progress … will post soon) after visiting Yosemite, that I would return to the park for my birthday.  I figured the 15 mile (with 4800 ft elevation change) round-trip hike to the top of Half Dome would be a nice way to revisit the park.  Only problem is … I have never done a hike of this magnitude.  So … training it is!  Two weekends ago, I went to my favorite local park (Ricketts Glenn State Park) to warm up.  It is a nice 7.2 mile hike with 22 named waterfalls and about 1100 ft elevation change.  I love that park, and I go about as oftem as I can.  In fact last weekend I went both Saturday and Sunday! 🙂 

Saturday, I went by myself … goal was training.  I did the actual loop twice … turned it into about 10.5 mile hike with about 2000 ft elevation change.  Whoa!!!  Nice workout!  I pushed myself pretty hard, no rest breaks, did it in just about 3 hours.  Sunday I took Michelle to the park.  It was her introduction to hiking.  She has never been to a park for hiking like that.  I was impressed, she did the entire loop!  Poor thing has shin-splints now.  I feel for her.  I get the feeling that she doesn’t have much interest in this, but she is a trooper, and is toughing through it for my sake.  I love this stuff, travel, nature, hiking … and both of us love the fact that we can share it together.

So, with the date rapidly approaching, I need to train.  I found what promises to be a good hike in NY, Slide Mountain.  There is a hike there … 10 miles, about 3600 ft elevation change.  That sounds like a good indicator of what I am in store for.  I will post again after that hike to document what it is like.

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Pictures of Road Trip 2009

Tuesday, October 27th, 2009
By: Brandon Bailor

Alright … I am still typing up my entry to tell the tale of my road trip … this is gonna be quite the long read. I am on page 3 in a Word document, and I haven’t even gotten to my second of six park visits yet. I just ant to make sure I tell the tale correctly.  I am revising and proof-reading until I get it right.  But, in the meantime, follow the link in the lower left for “My Pictures” (or check out I have posted 40 pics of the trip. They are in chronological order. Be sure to resize the pics as you thumb through them, and/or check out the slideshow feature. I also added some longer descriptions/explainations on several of the pictures.  The slideshow is pretty slick, but it takes a long time to cache.  So, enjoy the pics, and the story will follow shortly.

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