My fall, my choices, and my reminder

Thursday, August 12th, 2010
By: Brandon Bailor

Last June (2009) I had what I am referring to as a life changing event.  It was what I feel to be an extreme low point in my life.  I call it my “fall” … metaphorically as well as literally.  It was a colossal blunder, a stupid mistake that actually ended up physically hurting me.  I am just eternally thankful I didn’t hurt anyone else.  I spent the next few months beating myself up about it.  Punishing myself if you will.  I was so broken that I probably should have gone to seek professional help.  I did however rely on the fact that driving is therapy to me.  In August and October, I was able to circle the entire US twice, and take multiple weekend trips throughout the greater North East.  Then in November I made it down to Florida to visit a friend, and by that point, I had driven through all of the lower 48 states in the calendar year 2009.  It was a lot of driving.  From 7/1/2009 to 7/14/2010 I put over 51,000 miles on my car.  I think the therapy was successful.

Based on this event, and the inordinate amount of driving therapy, I decided to make a few life changing decisions.  Live my life differently.  I promised myself a few things.  Some were easy, and some were difficult.  One of my promises I sort of ended up breaking.  In hopes of a “normal” life, I strayed, and decided to try something.  I shouldn’t have.  So, I have since rectified that situation, and I have resolved myself to hold true to all of my decisions. 

In order to stick to these decisions, I decided to create a daily reminder for myself.  Something that I will be forced to see every day.  Something permanent that will follow me wherever I go so I will not have a chance to hide from my newly chosen life.  It has taken almost a year to complete, but it is finally done.  A few of my close friends have been involved, and have helped me along the way, but for the most part, this is a very private matter.  So private in fact, that even my closest friends do not know all of the promises I made to myself.  For this reason, this reminder is not on public display.  It is my personal reminder, and will remain private.

It has been over a year since my fall.  My reminder is complete, and seems to be serving it’s purpose very well.  So far so good.

Category : General

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