
Friday, September 24th, 2010
By: Brandon Bailor

Well, I just realized that I haven’t posted in a while, and I haven’t posted that my Sunday audition (Sept 19th) with Chainfall resulted in me joining a band!  After jamming to the 5 or 6 songs they asked me to learn for the tryout, the guys were generous enough to offer me the spot! For me, after hearing the talent these guys have live, then jamming with them, I was genuinely excited about the opportunity to work with these guys, so I accepted!  If you are a friend of mine on FaceBook, you may have seen that I posted the news there.  The music is progressing well. We have had two practices now (including the tryout) and we have 7 to 9 covers that are just about stage ready. Our styles, and commitment really seem to mesh well, the music is just kind of coming comfortably and naturally.  Cool!  Tuesday will be our next practice, and I will be ready for about 7 more songs. Not too shabby for just dusting my chops off! 

After joining the band and learning a little more about them, I offered to set up a website for them (well … us). Here is the site:  This will be changing rapidly as we collectively decide as a band what we want our image to be.  We haven’t had any chance to discuss this, so I don’t mean to speak out of turn, but I believe we will use this site as a method to let everyone know when and where we are going to play, as well as post photos of shows, possibly sound bytes, and/or video clips. We shall see what my web host allows … if need be, I can always upgrade my hosting account.  Anyway … I encourage all to check it out often 🙂

On a personal level, I can’t believe how quickly all of this has come together.  I have been itching to play again for a couple years now.  A good friend of mine also has a blog … here is a post of his called “I wish I would” . Along these lines, I did what I needed to do … a few weeks ago I bought a drum set and answered some ads … then BOOM!  I am in a really cool band! Not sure what you call it … but it seems that I kind of projected to the world what I wanted, and I reached for it.  Not only did I reach, but the world listened, and coincidence or not … it all seems to be falling into place. SWEET!  Rock on!!

Category : Music

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