Chainfall – Sat Nov 6th – Sweeneys

Wednesday, November 3rd, 2010
By: Brandon Bailor

So, Sat Nov 6th will be my first show with Chainfall!  The show will be at Sweeneys Saloon on Philmont Ave in Philly @ 9pm.  We open for some friends in a band called Stygian.  Since we open, we will only be doing one set … about 14-15 songs.  I am really excited, I figured it out … it’s been about 17 years since I have been on stage.  We had a good practice last night, chose the set list.  This is going to be a fun show!  The music is starting to get really tight.  I am so glad I got back into music, and I am really glad I found Chainfall.  I am really grateful that they they allowed me to join.  They are great guys, and we really seem to be a good musical fit. 

So … those of you who can make it, I would be really happy to see you!  And if not … hopefully you can make it to a future show.  We have nothing lined up just yet, but we are still trying to expand our musical library.  Soon we will have enough music to be able to play a few sets.  That should buy us more flexibility for bookings.

I will try to keep everyone posted via this blog as well as my FaceBook page.  Wish me luck!

Category : Music

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