First show with Chainfall = win!

Sunday, November 7th, 2010
By: Brandon Bailor

We had our first show with the new lineup last night (meaning me as the new drummer).  I gotta tell you … I didn’t realize how much I missed playing.  I can’t express how much fun I had!  It was awesome to be able to play live music again.  I have to give a huge Thank You to the guys in Chainfall for taking me in and giving me a chance.  Plus a big Thanks to Stygian for asking us to open for them!  Thanks guys you rock!  And it sounds like we got really positive feedback.  Everyone seemed pleased with the performance as a whole, and everyone seemed to think I am a really good fit for the guys.  It feels really great to be included and accepted in such an endeavor so close to my heart.  Music really is part of my soul. 

As far as the music itself last ngiht, it started off a little shaky, and we had a couple hiccups throughout, but this was our first show together.  And what few flubs we did have … we pushed through them and hopefully they were not too noticeable … unless you were really familiar with the song.  And at one point, I broke a stick … I started to feel it break, so I was trying to pick a good spot to swap it out with a new one … I ran out of time, and it went whirling towards Chris (guitar player) barely missing his head LOL!  But other than the flying wood … I don’t think anybody could tell I had to switch sticks … didn’t miss a beat! 

We will get better as a band, tighter, better trained, etc.  I can’t wait to play more!  We might even have another show as early as this Friday … time will tell, but there will be many more shows!

Category : Music

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