The Holidays

Wednesday, November 10th, 2010
By: Brandon Bailor

For the first time in way too many years, I will get to spend both Thanksgiving and Christmas with some family.   The plan is Omaha for Thanksgiving and Houston for Christmas.  Driving of course.  Hey, it’s me we are talking about here!!  Haha!  And I will be doing this with only taking three vacation days. 

For Thanksgiving I plan on taking Wednesday off, and heading out just after midnight on Tuesday will accomplish a few things for me:  1.) I get out of the East coast in the dark of night (my whole traffic issue), and 2.) I get to Omaha just after dinner on Wed.  My oldest brothers family lives there, and my parents will be there.  They have some Thanksgiving traditions that I have yet to be a part of … after this year I will not be able to say that!

For Christmas, the plan is to head out late on the 22nd (Wed night).  This will put me in Houston late Thursday.  I plan on Staying through Sunday night to arrive home on Monday night.  My sister lives there, and my parents will again be there. 

It will be really good to spend the holidays with family again!

Category : General

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