Post Holiday

Tuesday, December 28th, 2010
By: Brandon Bailor

Alright!!!  Seems I am a slacker on posting … my bad.  But the Holidays were great!!!  I got to spend Thanksgiving with my parents and brother in Omaha, and participate in all of their trraditions.  It was really special.  Then I was able to spend Christmas with my parents and sister in Houston!  Again, just a win of a trip! 

Travel back and forth was uneventful (the way we like it), and it was really special to spend holidays with family again.

Now it is all about the New Year.  I think I will actually try to make some resolutions and stick to them.  I am finally getting upset with myself for slacking on going to the gym and eating right.  It doesn’t look like I have made too much damage … I should be able to quickly bounce back to where I was at a year ago when I was at the top of my game. 

I am now almost a week smoke free (again … for the ump-teenth time), but I really think my head is screwed on enough to stick to it this time.  There will always be an excuse to start, but you know what?  It’s actually easier to do nothing about a craving than it is to run to the store and spend money.  It’s always a choice … smoke or don’t smoke … and deciding either way is the same amount of effort.  So, with other goals in mind (health, etc), I will do my best to stick to it this time.

Time will tell, and I will try to keep my progress posted here.  Wish me luck!

Category : General

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