
Tuesday, March 8th, 2011
By: Brandon Bailor

Well, it’s been over two months since I have posted anything.  Sorry about that.  But just to catch you up on a few things:

First, I will try to get better about posting here in this blog.  More for my sake than anyone else’s. 

The band: really going well!  I couldn’t be happier!  The music is really coming along.  We are playing some really cool covers (including 46&2 by Tool … one of my all time favorites) and we are just starting to dive into originals.  Not too much time devoted to that, as we have been preparing for a couple recent shows, but we have a possibility of getting another booking, and it would be great if we could have some original music by then. 

Travel: not much on the travel front … I have kind of been switching gears into what I am calling “money saving mode”.  I have listed my timeshares for sale, trying to get rid of my storage unit, I almost never eat out anymore, and I have been getting much smarter about grocery shopping (both health wise as well as budgetary wise).  But I am planning to do the Race for the Cure again with my mom in Texas, and I plan on visiting Houston in June.  My aunt is in the senior Olympics as a swimmer and is doing very well.  I think the nationals are in Houston this year, and I believe she is already qualified, so the family will be pouring down to Houston to show support. 

Well, that about does it for now … but come see Chainfall on March 19th 2011 at Stadium Five Points in Levittown!!  They open for Release!  It’s gonna be a hell of a show filed with Rock, and Metal!

Category : General

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