Chainfall – Summer

Monday, May 30th, 2011
By: Brandon Bailor

The summer is proving to be good to Chainfall.  We added a second guitar player so we can open ourselves up musically, we had a great show on the lake last Saturday, we have our first headliner this saturday, we open again for our friends Stygian on June 25th, and the one I am most excited for … Whiskey Tango on July 12th. 

Gary Rumpff is our newest member.  Adding him on guitar will greatly open what songs we can cover, plus since we have enough music under our belts to play a full show, we are switching gears towards originals.  Gary will certainly add some flavor to the writing process.  I look forward to seeing what Chris Gary Ed and Matt can come up with.  This could lead to some really fun times!

Now to talk about our shows.  June 4th is our first headlining show … we will play a full 3 sets.  No opening band … just us, all night!  This will be a good workout for us … plus it will give us a chance to see what kind of turnout we can generate.  It is early for us … I know Chainfall has been around since 2007, but this new lineup is pretty new.  After the 4th, we open for Stygian on the 25th.  Stygian is an original Metal band … so we will just come up with a short set of our harder material.  This will be a fun Rock-Out session … and hopefully put us in front of some new faces … generate more interest.  Then the big one is July 12th.  Whiskey Tango is one of the premier venues for Philly local music.  If we can prove ourselves there on a Tuesday night, then we earn ourselves a chance to play there on a weekend.  Possibly open up the opportunity for us to open for our good friends in Release

So the summer is turning out to be a good summer for Chainfall … hopefully we can continue the momentum.

Category : Music

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