Waco – Race for the Cure®

Tuesday, April 27th, 2010
By: Brandon Bailor

Quite the weekend.  Left Thursday evening to drive 22 hours (1612 miles) to get to Waco.  Arrived just after 7:00pm CST.  Hung out with the family for a while … then finally toddled off to bed.  By that point, I think I had been up for about 40-42 hours, and had covered 7 states.  Dad woke me up at 6:30am sharp.  Off to the race we go!  Unfortunately it was cold and rainy out, but that quickly cleared up and turned into a really gorgeous day!  I did the walk (1K this year instead of 1 mile) … Mom didn’t walk … she is still recovering from all the mess she went through with her hip replacement.  Don’t blame her … take it slow mom.  Make sure you heal well.

My nephew and his friend entered the 5K.  Poor planning by race coordinators caused the runners to have to fight with loads of traffic from the 5K “non-timed” race that was just finishing up.  The bulk of the walkers were crowding the approach to the finish line.  My nephews friend finished in just about 20 minutes.  Cool.  My nephew came running accross just a couple minutes later.  Good job guys!!!

We ended up hanging around so we could eat lunch at Ninfas mexican restraunt after the race … only had to kill about 45 min until the place opened.  Lunch was good (not really diet friendly, but hey … I am on vacation).  Back to the house, and nap time!  Got about 3 more hours sleep, and we left for BBQ!!  Good stuff!  Got home, and I took a shower and hit the road again.  Took it a little slower (got a ticket on my way there).  Got home 23 hours later.  Went out to eat, and slept. 

Quite the weekend indeed

Category : Travel

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