The Plan

Wednesday, May 5th, 2010
By: Brandon Bailor

Alright … Since we can’t do the full Half-Dome hike, (won’t be opened … see post titled “Capitol F”) we have not been training per-se.  The shift is to do a nice hike, and see the park.  I love it there, can’t wait to be there again!  I also want to show Michelle some of the other places I like to visit (San Francisco and Las Vegas).  We will also swing through Texas on our way home so she can meet the folks.

The Plan: 
– Leave Sunday evening (9pm’ish).  Drive through to Monday night (about the same time), stop just short of Denver Colorado. 
– Motel6 it.  Get some sleep, shower, etc. 
– Wake up Tues morning, drive again … Yosemite is about 22 hours from where we will be.  So we should arrive at the Park early Wed morning.  Drive around, possibly find a shower, do a hike, generally get a quick overview of the park itself.  Maybe even sneak down to the Mariposa Grove for a peek at the giant redwoods. 
– I hope to leave early to mid afternoon.  San Francisco is only 4 short hours away!  I got a room at the Donatello resort through my time share (nice place … stayed there once).  Take her down to Fishermans Warf for dinner.  Maybe even Ghirardelli Square (if time permits). 
– Sleep.  Breakfast … then take the day Thursday for the 9 hour drive to Las vegas.  I got room at the Desert Rose (again through my timeshare).  Show her the strip, maybe the Forum Shops, the Riviera hotel/casino (location of our pool leagues national tournament), maybe ride the roller coaster at NY/NY or the Stratosphere.  Sleep.
– Leave Friday Morning for Texas.  Arrive in Waco sometime Saturday … possibly late morning.  I think my sister will be there too.  Generally hang out and visit.  Short visit. 
– I have to work on Monday … so, we need to leave early Sunday morning, so I can get home in time to work.

So …it’s a bit tight, possibly exhausting at times, but that is the plan.

Category : Travel

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